Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tea Cermony

Today was a really great day, we had a appointment with one of the sponsors of the program. We were treated at her restaurants, that's suposed to be really famous around here. The food was really expensive there 28 000 Won compared to the usual food for 5000-7000. We were all treated so it was very good for me. The food itself were great, really good! Hard to describe though.

After that we went for a traditional tea Cermony, that was great because I"ve always wanted to try one... It was very expensive but we didn't have to pay for that either... It was a very special feeling... I've never had tea like that before in my life. I'm actually really thankful for being able to have experienced it.

After that we went to a tomb site, it was very cool to see, we don't have anything that resembeles this in Sweden it's to bad... this was really cool...

All in all it has been a great day, except for one thing that was that we had a camera team on our tail the whole day, for they are doin another show on us. So they are going to hang with us for a couple of weeks...

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