Saturday, December 08, 2007

Back to basics in Korea again.

So I'm now back in Korea again for the second time. This time I left the quiet rural area of Gimhae. For Seoul the F***ing big city. I live in Hongdae, it doesn't say anything to you guys. But think of it as living in the most central area where all the students go out for, clubbing, booking, Noreabang (karaoke), eating etc. I think you have the picture now.

It is kind of hard to study because there is always noise at night even though I live on the sixth floor but the sound from nearby clubs still penetrate our walls and windows.

I Share a room with 5 guys at the moment no coed room in Korea yet, and probably there will never be. My rent is outrages around 100 American dollars.. ^^

I attend Seoul National University the creme dela creme of schools in Korea. However I study Korean so that means that anyone can get in. But hey it is still Seoul national.. I have to go up around 07.20 every morning. walk out of my door to the subway station, where yours truly has to pretend to be a match stick in a box of matches (the box by the way is to small you can not move.)

Anyway this is all for this time!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking...

Monday, July 09, 2007


At long last I've been to Japan It's probably the place I wanted to go most to.. Those of you who know me, know what kidn of Japan fanatism I/we had. I went to Japan to see my girlfriend. Yepp not for animation my girlfriend...

I began my trip by forgeing my student ID to get a discount. actually my student ID expired. But I said ah I'm sorry we haven't got our new one yet...

Then I smuggled Korean food to my girlfriend, that is also super illegal, Interesting no one checks your stuff.. At the customs they just ask you, what do you havein your bag.... Hmm nothing... ^^

My girlfriends attend at a all girls university, wich means no men allowed. So I had to climb a 4 meter high wall to get into the university. That is also illegal, but it was really interesting and funny..

Japan is cleaner faltter and has a hell of a lot of porn everywhere (mangas magazines..) it is also incredibly expensive...

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day..

So at the moment It's rain season here in Korea it sucks (actually it's probably the whole of asia)..

I never saw so much rain you can see all kinds of intresting things floating around, for example a chair a table and some other stuff, that would never happen in Sweden.

The only thing you can do is to stay inside... our room sucks... I just had to put it out on the ether again... OUR ROOM SUCKS.... I'm done with the self pity now..

At the moment I'm working as a private teacher for middle school and university students... Everyone who are imagineing anime style (Golden boy, Love Hina I"s etc) are sadly mistaken... Koreans in general need more imagination... They suck when it comes to individual thinking.

On the other hand some really intresting stuff happened... However I'm not going to type it here..

So to the people who's dying to know. wait until I get home.. Comprende!

Friday, June 22, 2007


The apartment we were supposed to move into was a really great apartment. It was roomy tidy (a girl lived there), furnitured, Internet (Computer), AC, laundry machine, bed. Everythin went well until we talked to the land lord. She flipped out and bevame super angry. Suppoesdly the girl didn't tell her. The land lord suffered from severe hybris (thinking that she was the king of the world). So she started screaming we started screaming (actually only Jaywon, since he is the only one speaking korean).. Either way we got kicked out... I was actually homeless for the first time in my life.. A very unique feeling...

Either way after maybe 1 hour we found another room... A room, a small room with two windows and a mirror... nothing inside crappy kitchen that stinks, and also a toilet that leaks... happy days not... but it's quite intresting...

We will move within a few days to a better room, but it still kind of sucks..

The girl who owned the apartment that we were supposed to rent, came and screamed at the landlord to. Supposedly the landlord pushed here so they went to the police.. Nothing happened though.. .

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Hey at the moment I'm sitting in a Pc bang in 40 minutes I've gotten 7 mosqutito bites and killed one mosuitto... My ratio really sucks ass

Compared to Swedish mosquitto these really suck, they really itch...

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Last week or not really lat week but the 31st of April. My girlfriend came back to Korea for a short break, they had break in Japan, so she decided to go home to Korea...

I was really happy to see her, frankly, as you might already know, I love her dearly..

Anyway she called me around 5p.m and I was really amazed to hear that she was back. So naturally I had to go and see her. When I meet her I was so happy, if anyone of you guys had seen me, you would without a doubt known how crazy I am in her.

She was here in a week I don't really remeber everything we did. We did many things, going to Seomyon, Nampo Dong, baseball game (really exciting), Inje University, I even had dinner with her mother and grandmother...

Thanks for an amazing week ^^

Saturday, March 31, 2007

1 of April 12.04 PM

Now it's been over a day since Mi Hye left for Japan I'm not happy, not at all...

Plus today I have ton's of writing for my homework...

Requiem for a time well spent...

Well to start of with Mi Hye went to japan at 10:00 today saturday 31th of March 2007... Actually I never realized that I would get this much feelings for her, I mean honeastly "I Love Her" I really do and I know that I've grown so much mentaly.

Everything we've done together I will always take it in my heart whatever happens I will treasure the memories and times we've had together. This time in Korea with her has been one of the best times in my life, I'm forever thankful to her.

I don't really know where to begin actually..

There's soo many things to say about her I remember the first time we meet on the field trip to the movie set. Rideing the bikes on the rail, the dinner after..

The day when the hurricane was going over Gimhae, when I got my phone, I meet her at the stairs of E.T she was on her way home, I got her number that was the beginning.

Wehad the times when neither of us knew what would happen, I felt like crap and she did to.

MT was hell I wanted to be with her so bad but I figured she wanted to be with her boyfriend so I didn't do anything. I really remember the time we had on the pavement...
Th day after MT I went to pusan with my roomate and another adoptee, that was the day when we kind of got together. If it hadn't been for Choseuk we had a date on October 9th we went to a sea university in pusan. The 14th of October we oficially became a couple we went to a temple in pusan in the region or place called Miryang.

Other dates when we went to the big Homeplus in Gimhae and the park in Gimhae.

14th of November it was Peppero day we went to the Jimjirrban together and stayed there for two nights amazing..

Or when we spent time with her friends on christmas eve, it's a really good memory for me...

Her Birthday was kind of intresting to at January 10th 10 guys called and wanted her to spend her birthday with her, I can understand them I mean she is beautiful.

On february 14th I recived home made chocolate from her. It was very touching for me.

14th march it was white day I gave her a couple pillow and candy...

This and so much more she's given me, the times at the library when she was studying. When lounge or in the study room. Even if E.T's being remodeld now I can still see her standing on the stairs on the third floor. Walking up together and back from the cafeteria.

The movies we saw together...
Forrest Gump
Big Fish
Finding Nemo

I don't know at the moment I'm super emotional and I could certainly cry...

Whatever the future has in store for us I hope that we will both remember this time as a very happy time. People tell me over and over again go and get another girlfriend.. How can I do that I love her and no one else there's no way that I will be able to do that...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's day

So yesterday was february 14th. Where I come from we celebrate this day with our partner, spouse short our love object. Some people buy small things to show their love.

Here in Korea girls gives guys stuff. Guys gives girls things on march 14th instead.

Either way I was stunned yesterday I got homemade chocolate from my girlfriend. It took her 7 hours to do, so she didn't get any sleep...

I was so suprised and moved by her action... ^^

Friday, February 09, 2007

Have you waited?

Hmm well maybe not, a lot things have happened I guess I've just finished my teaching job at the Hagwon.

I will use this blog as notebook for awhile, I will try to write more often to...
Peae out!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ah My Jesus

Today at 11.07 P.M Korean Time I watched the news and I actually heard the Metalgear Solid II Sons of Liberty intro that was insane...

At the moment I'm watching some weird wake up society program about a naked girl living in a shed, I don't understand much....