Friday, June 22, 2007


The apartment we were supposed to move into was a really great apartment. It was roomy tidy (a girl lived there), furnitured, Internet (Computer), AC, laundry machine, bed. Everythin went well until we talked to the land lord. She flipped out and bevame super angry. Suppoesdly the girl didn't tell her. The land lord suffered from severe hybris (thinking that she was the king of the world). So she started screaming we started screaming (actually only Jaywon, since he is the only one speaking korean).. Either way we got kicked out... I was actually homeless for the first time in my life.. A very unique feeling...

Either way after maybe 1 hour we found another room... A room, a small room with two windows and a mirror... nothing inside crappy kitchen that stinks, and also a toilet that leaks... happy days not... but it's quite intresting...

We will move within a few days to a better room, but it still kind of sucks..

The girl who owned the apartment that we were supposed to rent, came and screamed at the landlord to. Supposedly the landlord pushed here so they went to the police.. Nothing happened though.. .

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Hey at the moment I'm sitting in a Pc bang in 40 minutes I've gotten 7 mosqutito bites and killed one mosuitto... My ratio really sucks ass

Compared to Swedish mosquitto these really suck, they really itch...