Wednesday, August 18, 2010

14th Aug Lords pf Acid

Spent the weekend trashing around in Gothenburg with some friends it was a really nice time with lots of laughs old faces and new faces. Saturday I had an appointment with one of my good old friends. well ion the apartment I'm greeted by the sight of my friends previous nights conquest a EMO girl skinny as a stick, scars on her arms (several which looks very fresh) and she seems to be out of this world passed out in a zombie state. After my friend leaves her at the tram stationhe comes back and we are ready to alter our reality.

Since its my first time he guides me through it I am smart enough not to ask anything that would be stupid. Anyway I put it in my mouth for a minute then swallow.. I feel nothing... 10 minutes passes still nothing.. 20 minutes WTF is this shit nothing... 30 Minutes here I'm starting to think what a fucking waste. However after 40 minutes we start to watch a doom version of The Simpson on you tube.. Somethings starts to happen.. In my mind I'm thinkg "Ah this is kind of nice..", my sight is apperantly doing things to me, time is slowing down, however no one else seems to be close to my stage, so I'm trying to be composed. after this we start an episode of The Simpsons the one where Homerr tries the super spicy chilly and goes mental! Right about here it kicks and OMG fuck we all start lauging fractals seems to appear.

2 hours in the shit goes in overdrive and I see fractals everywhere my skin, posters etcetera. Here time starts to skip a song feels like an hour! I begin to understand music, the music and I are one entity. I ve never seen such colors or seen pictures come to life.

It was awesome!

The only downside to it was that after everything was over the only thing that was left, was a hole or emptiness, nothing was a vibrant or interesting as before. Everything was annoying people, sounds, smell, heat.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Yesterday at 21.10

Yesterday at 21.10 HeeJung the person with the biggest heart, who always helped me in every endeavor passed away. May your soul find rest and peace at last, you will be forever missed!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Interesting things I

I would like to tell you about the most interesting things that have occurred to me during my time in Korea, given the time I've been here something had to come out of it? Man I cannot believe I've been here for 4 years this is my forth year in Korea how crazy is that?

The first episode happened to me when I went to Japan sometime in 2007:
It was actually my first trip to Japan and I was going to visit my girlfriend at that time, being all psyched up on youthful hormones, and the fetish about Japan in general I went. However my girlfriends mother who is a very considerate woman wanted me to bring some food to her daughter, including fermented vegetables (Kimchi), meat, all kinds of side dishes and other stuff. This I thought would be no problem.. However when I get there (Fukoka) and I go of the ferry I see all these signs, saying, if you have anything to declare, you need to do it or you might have to pay a fine. I look more closely and it stated that all the food that I had in a huge box was, a clear violation.. At this moment I was starting to sweat a lot and thinking oh my god what will happen if they catch me etcetera. Then I figured what is the chance of me getting caught in customs, it never happened before.. Now starting to feel a little better about myself I relax..
However of course I get caught in customs and the clerk asks me what do you have in the box, my heart is racing, my eyes look in all directions, I try to come up with a genius lie... and I anser I do not know... A half second later I want to kick myself for that answer, who in the world says "I do not know" no one that's who. but I try some more excuses my girlfriends mom, some clothes etcetera. The man talks to me for a few minutes which feels like hours and finally I am free to go. That was one of the most horrible experiences in my life.

The second episode also happened to me when I went to Japan sometime in 2007:
Well coming to Japan was an eye opener it was just as awesome as I always had imagined really, however it was also fricking expensive, so I did not want to spend my money, luckily for me my girlfriend lived there and I could stay in her dormitory (very small only for exchange students), with their consensus. However only problem was to get into the dormitory, because the university itself is a all girls university. So they have a lot of guards and security. However this was solved by wearing huge umbrellas sneaking in during the night, running, hiding, jumping gardens fences to avoid guards. it was like a Japanese anime but it was a thrill and definetly one of my most exciting memories.

The third episode happened to me in Korea spring/summer of 2008:
Since I was kind of skinny I started to work out nothing happened so I decided to change my diet and I went to mcdonalds 5 days a week to eat their bigmac set for lunch for 3000won, well I gained a lot of weight in less than 2 months I had gained 6 kilos.. I t was not pretty so to do smth about that me and my american friend found this diet on the internet, enter the Lemonade diet:
I have vacation, that's awesome... No it's not I'm doing this lemonade diet with my friend, which basically means I can not eat for 8-10 days(probably 8), yes no food just drinking lemonade. here's the receipe:
1 day
4 liters of water
5 Lemons
10 table spoons of maple syrup
1 spoon of cayenne pepper

Sounds interesting? it's not..

I endured it for 8 days and I lost much weight which I gained back very fast when I started to eat..

I will take care of the rest some other day and also if smth else comes to mind I will write it down!

Police Fraud
Living with bong in motel, getting kicked out of an apartment.