Sunday, October 29, 2006


Total Learning Center...

So tomorrow I will have my first job interview it's located in downtown Kimhae so if I get it will be good..

Yeah what is the job about?

It's a English teaching job.

Damn crappy planning for writing my blog entry I got to run away... I'll let you guys now how it went tomorrow...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


So today I had a nice haircut again, I'm going to cry when I go back to Sweden (whenever that might be) 4 dollars for a haircut that's a bargain...

Yeah and I failed my test so much.... crappy korean language...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Well If you want to see my girlfriend in movment go into and on the upper left of the page, press English, after that you will be directed to a new page. Scroll down on that page untill you see a button: INJE Video. Push that one and wait my girlfriend is the tennis player, you will see the most of her around 7.50 minutes in to the movie...

By the way the movie is propaganda for our school but it is really well made, it doesn't really look like that ^^

Hmm Random once again...

So I can't belive this I never ever in my life had this many mosquito bites... I don't know what wrong with the climate here, they just don't die.. I usually get an average of 4 bites a day here... and each bite itches for maybe 4 days... at least... I hat that, my feets are full of scratch marks...

Another thing that's really starting to show is the fattigue of the students and there studying. I'm so happy that I don't really have a midterm, that's compareble to theirs...

Hmm what else this last week has been rather boring nothign special really happened.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Midterms, study rooms=many Koreans

So next week is midterms here at INJE, that basicly means that everyone is studying their asses of... instead of studying 12 hours a day (most Koreans do that), they study 16-18 hours a day now instead. One can really wonder how good that is for the body...

It's kind of funny seeing people falling asleep in funny places, cafe,s study rooms, benches, etc. If you read about hte Jimjiriban part, you know that they can sleep on stone, so they can sleep anywhere...

Hmm other intresting things that have happened is that we visited a army base yesterday (monday). It was kin of intresting... We talked about North Koreas nuclear tests and how that affected the millitary... The anwser was no we already knew that something like this might happen. It also seems that the media blows the whole thing up. The average Korean doesn't seem to giva a shit about it actually..

As my roomate said, Nobody cares...

Ah well my language class starts soon, followed by an amazing lunch (hopefully), then it's the most boring class of the week Korean culture...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Up the mountain, up the mountain....

So this saturday we went up a mountain, Koreans really love to go hikeing in the mountain... It was amazing in many ways, amazingly hard, amazing view, amzingly boring, amazing all in all.

It was very steep, for you who actully now the hill in Ljungskile called hallebacken (steep hill in Ljungskile). think of walking a steeper hill for 2 hours... your legs don't feel to good after that... However the Koreans I talked to said this is nothing... You should see the mountain at that place, bla bla bla... I don't know if that's nothing I don't want to be apart of it.

I had very expensive cat fish for lunch, it was awful... Never having that again...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Weekly summary...

So hmm some highlights of this week, my f***ing cold is actually gone, today was the first day of my cold free life.. How fair is that a cold that actually sits in for almost two weeks...

Hmm Eric the american fratboy (adoptee acts like he's 16 but he is really 23) had his birthday. He's been talking since day one how he,s going to black out on his birthday... When the day finally arrived this wensday, he wasn't even tipsy. I don't know if I talked about the subject before in my psots, but if you are in korea, you add one year to your age (usually can be more) so if you are born in 1984 you are in fact 23. I don't know why you just do it... As my roomate said: Why do you want to learn? Just eat it!! (it's his answeres to my endless questions about the korean language).

Anemaes boyfriend magnus went back home to Sweden after one week or maybe it was some more days, anyway why pay so much money to come here, and not stay longer... I have no idea why, it's stupid to me.

Sven if you read this, I want you to know, Korea is the best place if you want to have a black belt quick, it takes about a year to get a black belt ^^

I counted my mosquitoe bites yesterday (thursday) I have 16 on my right foot for some reason... It's annoying, I think all in all I have about 40 mosquitoe bites. I'm really thinking if it was good not to take the shot for Japanese Encefalit (it's kind of hard to get, but not good if you get it and yes you get it from mosquitoes)...

The girl I'm intrested in seperated from her boyfriend, that's good for me...

Hmm this thursday we actually went to a concert a classical concert here in Gimhae. It was amazing for me because I really like that kind of music, some of the adoptees were complaining (like always). It was nice to be in a concert hall for a change, good seats and good music. Something diffrent from our regular nights at ET either in the lounge (watching a movie). Or me laying in my bed curseing to anyone who wants to hear about unfair love etc...

So this summary would take us untill about today or rather thursday night maybe 01.00 (something) . I really tried my best to study to a Korean language test that we were supposed to have on friday (by the way I failed, so much... It's not my fault that they made a language no one can understand... )... Yeah I tried to study it didn't go to well because I was thinking on somone else every 3-5 minutes (yeah you guys no who I'm talking about). Since my body doesn't work as it should when I'm in love, it shuts down, becomming a useless lump of crap...

Anyway I fell asleep around 02.00 (something). I got a phone call (around 03.00 I was sleeping) from the girl and she says bla bla bla, hmm we can't see eachother tomorrow, my friend can't join us. (You guys don't know what I'm talking about, we were supposed to meet on friday, me the girl I like, plus her friend, long story short.)..

Some of you might think, you go man, you can be alone with her, the whole day of tomorrow. I don't work that way, in my fucked up state of newly awoken, I say hmm that's to bad, bla bla bla... luckily for yours truly, her phone gets fucked up and the call gets interrupted. So I can actually process what she said to me... My friend couldn't come with us...... after repeating that in my head 10 times... I see the potential of what she was actually saying...
Even more lucky for me she callse me back after 3 minutes. I ask her if she still wants to meet, and she says: Yes ofcourse I want to meet you (I'm not surprised really, I mean who wouldn't want to meet me? (^0^)V). awhile later I fall asleep high on dopamins... I wake up around 07.00 (calling her again), after a steady breakfast consisting on nothing I go to write my test..... As I mentioned before I failed it... So I have a homework big as a house untill monday.

Anyway I was supposed to meet the girl (Mye Hye) at 구보 station (Guppo) 11.45 I was thiking I had all the time in the world around 10.45 I realized two things, I don't know where Guppo station is and I don't know how long time it takes to get there... I ran to the bus stop after that. I started to talk with a girl Juncha her English was amazing, she told me she never been abroad (i'm not sur I belive her though...).. Anyway she helped me get on the right bus and the right station (she was takeing the same bus as me). We talk about random things, she's a funny girl.

FF (fast forward) awhile.
We go to a place called Miryang and watch some amazing buildings and relics, I really enjoyed, or to be honest I proabably enjoyed the company and I don't really care were we are, but I did enjoy the scenery... If you're ever near Miryang do me a favour and go to the temples around there, it's well worth it.

All in all I had a great day with Mye Hye, I actually think we have a relationship now.... life is good.

FF again to this evening actually.
I come into my dorm with Mye Hye around 10.00 1 hour later people come into my room and start calling me on the internal phone... Do you have a girlfriend now??? For some reason somone saw us holding hands in Korea that means = couple. People have to much time on their hands at my dorm that's for sure...

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Jimjiriban (I don't think the spelling is right)

So this weekend I went to Pusan (I was still sick) to celebrate Rob's birthday, and to see Anemaes boyfriend form Sweden. Well it was kind of okay, I guess it would have been so much better if I didn't have a certain someone on my mind all the time.

I hate hate being intoxicated (is that right spelling) by girls, because the way I work is that my whole system decides to go bye bye. Sleeping doesn't work, studying doesn't work, eating doesn't work either. Nothing works besides thinking on that girl... So that's what I did 95% of the time (the other 5% was thinking oh god I want to get rid of this cold)..

The club we went to it's name was Foxy something. The club was great or it would have been great but to me it sucked, I really didn't want to be there... anyway after the club the others 9 people went home I decided to stay in Pusan (Busan), I didn't want to go to a hotel, I heard about this public bathhouse called Jimjiriban, where you can actually sleep (many drunk people do that it's cheaper than a motel).

At the jimjiriban you cna take a bath and shower and take a sauna. it's really popular amongst older women, because they belive it's good to sleep in warm temperature. Anyway after I've taken a Shower I really wanted to sleep it was 05.00 in the morning. My friends had told me that you can get a blanket and something to sleep on.. In my case the blanket is more like a towel, and what you sleep on is actual a towel to... the pillow is rock hard, and the floor well that's heated stones... The thing about stone is that it's fucking hard... not like wood hard, it just hard. I couldn't sleep after one minute on one side, it hurt like hell, so u had to switch every minute. well it was actually mixed man and women, people lying everywhere in this huge room an amazing sight for someone who has never have seen it, however if you are tired and drunk, you don't want to see other people sleeping like babies. While u can't get a minute's sleep because of the constant pain, in all your bones, joints and everything else for that matter.

Sunday I spent alone I was supposed to spend it with my friend, but she had to take care of her grandfather. I spent many hours in this big department store called Lotte (really big....)

the time after that is for me to know and for you guys to find out... ^^

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'm sick

Well ofcourse it had to happen but sitll, I really have more important stuff than to be sick... I have a fever and a cold, I really hope that it will pass.

Now it's Chosuk here in Korea the biggest holiday of the year.. So every student from the University is going home to their parents. This week is probably going to be amazingly boring.. well I will survive...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Time Stop

This would be so awesome if I had this between 20.00-10.30 yesterday....

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Well when I first started this post it was about 03.30 or something I was so confused and brainhacked, and god knows what. For you people who actully read my posts, you know that I according to myself have major girl problems... I had to drop the post in the middle of writing and start over again... Why? read please...

Hmm to start of this post I will tell you abut my day. the day after MT me and my roomate decided to go to Pusan. Pusan is so big that's it's very frightening. I would get lost in an instant and never find my way back to my dorm. Maybe it's the lack of experiencing big cities... Either way I feel so insignificant...

Anyway it turned out that Sun didn't have anything to do so she called me and my roomate to see what we were up to. Naturally we offered her to tag along and so she did. we took bus number 8 from INJE to Pusan. The busdrivers in Korea seem to not fear instant death because they drive insanely, not giving a shit about people falling down, and speedlimits signs, no they don't see them.

The reason for going to Pusan was simple I needed T-shirts. It took me about 6 hours to find two that actually looked like shit. The reason for that is that Koreans think it's cold now. I can't see how 26-28 degrees celcius can be cold, but hey I didn't grow up here... Anyway so cloth stores actually only sell lon sleeved T-shirts and not short sleeved... I wanted short sleeved, but at last we actually found some...

After that we were on our way home, here I started to sms with Mye Hye... In my mind I had almost given up on her, because she said she had a boyfriend. Anyway we talked about random stuff untill I kind of got the feeling something was kind of wrong with her... or rather untill I said she was random in a sms (implying that she has a random behaviour) Around here all hell broke lose... She called me all kinds of diffrent things, I hope she was kidding, most of the curses were in Korean, my roomate asked me while translating WTF did you say?

Then she said blablablabla can't talk to you now I'm going to study (in reality she was drinking I think, I don't know all the details...)... FF (fast forward a couple of hours) she seds me this random sms: What are u thinking on. I anwsered: At the moment I'm thinking on you. I asked her what are you thinking on? She replied: I'm thikning about you.

Here I acutally began to wonder maybe we can have a good conversation so I asked her: Can I ask why did you think of me... She went in the opposite direction by saying NO.... Now I was kind of confused, thinking hmm okay I burned my bridges and killed my own men....

Then I went in a new direction saying, if you could be anywhere in the world right now, were would you be now? She replied, I don't understand... Language barriers suck... Anyway after some explaining she sent the sms I was waiting for, but never thought would come: If u decide I would be there (I know u guys might not have been exposed to bad English but I have for the last month I understand what she meant). Then I got a fast reply saying: I don't kow u recive my msg. if u do plz tell me ur beanyplace. My anwser was: Well I don't really care about the place as long as it is with you I'm happy.

She sent me this sms back: 장온다 Everyone was sleeping at this time so I couldn't ask anyone, but I think it is goodnight but I'm not sure.... so I just sent, you can't leave me like this. I'm in the computer room if you are awake you should come... 10 minutes later she came..

She asked me all kinds of questions.. why I was mean to her, etc, etc, etc. People who know me, know that I'm not mean by nature, I don't want to be mean. So I explained myself that I'm so sorry if I ever hurt your feelings bla, bla bla, bla.... But I knew you had a boyfriend, so I thought it was dead race anyway.. . (actually I didn't say this last part but, I was thinking it in my head)...
She said something that she was waiting for me to take action (here again I was thinking you had a boyfriend)... bla bla bla. then she seemed kind of angry and said, don't message me again (in my head I went, okay I'm screwd, but what did I do wrong...?) Anyway she said goodbye and marched out from the PC room. I was so confused, that I began my very negative post... 10 minutes into my post she came back and sat next to me...

I closed the post and she began to talk to her friends on CYWORLD (kind of like Lunarstorm but so much bigger). She was writing so much to her friends, in Korean... I talked to my friends in Swedish.. telling them how fucked up my life was...

Anyway she began to talk with me at first the conversation was really icy, from my side..
We talked for maybe 2 hours, I actually got some of my questions answered so I was happy. Anyway it all turned out great for m that is, however there's still some questions. what am I going to do for a week, the biggest holiday in Korea are comming up Chosuk and Koreans spend Chosuk with their families... So I won't see her in a week.. I wonder how this will develop now, it took a really unexpected turn... Well I will keep you updated..

Sorry for the short ending, but I rather have some things to myself.

At the moment I;m writing this I'm high on Dopamins (I think it's called that) and I'm sitting on a Internet Cafe and I haven't sleept yet and my class is in 1.30 hour. I even tried to hack Kame_sennins wow account, but I couldnt, I had to patch and didn't have the patience to do it...

Well anyway peace out ya all!