Thursday, September 28, 2006

Random ramblings II

The day before yesterday was really intresting We had a band playing outside in the open, from 6.00-7.00 it was really nice. then they showed this Japanese movie called Swing Girls ( a feel good comedy movie) It was nice but the subtitles were in Korean T_T. I will post some pictures of it later. It could however have been much better if it hadn't been for a misunderstanding (read the sms part bellow).

we had our English teaching class for the design students at INJE University. I was 15 minutes late due to really sucky ass bad planning. We had to throw a fake birthday surprise party for Rob, for the camera crew (yes they are still following us around everyday). It was okay though rob got cake in his face so it was worth it.

So anyway because I was late to class I offered the students to go 15 minutes early, because I was late. you think that everyone appily walks 15 minutes early? They didn't want that... They wanted to stay, untill the ordinary lesson ending time. I felt kind of bad then so I offered that I would stay 15 minutes later.. they really wanted that. in the end I stayed for 30 minutes longer than I had to but it was okey.

After that I went out to celebrate Rob's fake birthday. We went to Norebang (Karaoke), it really is so fun, I will probably never do it in Sweden but here it's really great!.
The thing about Korean culture really messes with your mind from time to time. The following messages is from a girl that I'm kind of intrested in or maybe not, my mind doesn't work to good at the moment. But before my messages here's the background of the story.

So I meet this girl on our fieldtrip day when we went to the movie set. If you read my previous posts you know when and where it was. She gave me a scroll that she did that day (Korean/Chinese something something written on a parchment). Nice for me because I didn't do one. In any other part of the world I would take her action as an IOI (indicator of interest).

However this is Korea the land of mystery, where guys can be rejected 10 times before the girl finally accepts him as a boyfriend. there's alot of wacky stories around here I can tell you that. Anyway back to my story, the girl who gave me her parchment, asked me about my phone number... I take that to as an IOI.... regretably I didn't have my phone so I couldn't take her number. or give her mine, the next time I meet her I gave her my number and she called me so I got her.

So later I think it was the same night she sent me an sms saying: Hey what are you doing? I take that as an IOI...

After that we talked on the phone a few times, she's been calling me. I definatly take that as an IOI.
We talk on a daily basis over SMS yes I take this as IOI's as well. I try to set up plans with her, but she is very busy, so I haven't got the chance yet... The thing is I'm not sure that she is intrested at all... Because this is F**king Korea, I don't know.

here's some of my messages I recived from her:

I am so sad
I won't go to far in explaining this message.

U didnt want to see that with me.. so id rather study ㅠㅠ im sleepy. have a fun ^^
This I got when I was awatching a movie and she misunderstood me completly. I had to go and cancel my teaching class so I had to leave her. she came and sat besides me, and I had to leave to cancel one of my English tutoring class... She went of to the library to study instead.

I would be really sad if u dont like me how do u do that 2 me. ㅠㅠ
This was after I was teasing here about me not liking her.

미얀 that means sorry ㅠㅠ I hope to with you but you should understand me ^^ㅋㅋ
This message I got after I was asking here to see a movie with me and she told me she was busy.

Plus I got these weird pointless phone calls that has IOI's all written over them.. but I just can't figure them out, like one that went somewhat like this.

Her: Hey where are you?
Me: Hey, I'm at Homeplus, blablablablablabla...
Her: Oh I'm going to Pusan now, blablablablabla...
Me: Ah okey blablablablabla, have fun.... (What I really was thinking was, why are you calling me if you are going away now????

Hm I think this is enough random ramblings for today...

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