Tuesday, September 05, 2006


So yesterday I had my second Korean class, it was even worse than the first, I have such a hard time with it. But I must learn it all soon...

Anyway we had our formal Orientation for all the people at ET, the adoptees and the chinese students had to hold a speech. Everyone was saying blablablablaba I come from here, I do that, my major is, I want to get along with everyone. Me on the other hand went in another direction: Hi my name is Jonathan, I come from sweden. blablablabla. I'm single so if you're a girl you can call me I stay in room 215, that's 2 1 5... They actually loved it I think

After the orientation we went out for drinks, not everyone but a few of us so we were a group of 40 people that was fun. we have our curfew at 23.00 so we couldn't stay so long, but it was fun really fun I must ask around for some pictures.


FXA said...

Ha ha ha fan va grymt Jonte!

Arvid said...

Your the man!