Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sun's Birthday

So the first of the adoptees had her first birthday celebrated in Korea. In preparation I actually cut my hair it cost around four dollars to get a haircut here, and then you actually get a shower to.. first time for that.

Anyway we went out around 18.00 we went for this restaurant and ate tons of meet, Sun the birthday girl got some presents and cake. After the dinner that took 1.5 hour or something we went for Norebang (Karaoke). Norebang in Korea is that you rent this little room for your group and then you stay in there so it's kind of private. Anyway it was so much fun we all sang and drank alot of liquer and beer so some of us really got wasted so it was a nice sight.

We did Norebang for about 2 hours or something the total bill was about 95 dollars for 11 people so it was cheap if you consider all the singing and all the booze. One of us passed out and had to be taken home. We have our curfew at 23.00 so we had to be back early but we got one hour more because it was Sun's birthday.... Anyway we went to Junco (a bar) for awhile after the Norebang. After that I went home a really great evening in all.

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