Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life cycles

Through⋅out  our life we enter different stages (cycles) we go from childhood to adulthood from innocence, to sinners. the fact of the matter is that we can never go back, it doesn't matter what we occupy ourselves with. No anti wrinkle cream will save you, whore! We are all condemmed to detoriate. Doesn't matter if we buy a  Ferrari or a ton of high class hookers, your dick will still become limp and useless, your hair will turn grey and most probably fall off.

So what can we do? Well we all handle it differently I am me and you are you, I don't have a clue how yu will handle it, but if you find something that works like excessive drinking give me a call, andof course if you're a hot girl then let's hook up!

Why I'm ramblng because I left my previous house, with all it's comforts, I'm more or less jobless because I moved to Suwon which is located 1.5hours from Seoul. Why? To start taking couses at university "Internationl Relations" yes that's my thing now. We had information meeting esterday everything was in bloody korean, how the fuck am I supposed to ndestand that?

Well it will probably be okay I shouldn't complain to much... Fuck you! I can do whatever I want to do here, if you don't like it then you don't need read.

I moved from most of my friends whom I dearly miss, and from all the girls I knew. but hopefully it will be alright!

Eiterway kids smell you later

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