Tuesday, December 05, 2006

So much...

So much
Well since I last wrote much has happened...We had the closing cermoney for our program last week last tuesday if my memory serves me right. It was pain... I had to write a speach in Korean, or I had my friend revolution write it for me, he is a good guy (but a playboy nonetheless).

It took me forever to get thru my speach. We got the certificate saying we completed the program, it's a really nice certificate, the one we got from Handelsekonom is so crappy in comparisson.

After the cermony that lasted for 2 hours we went out to eat with our sponsors one last time, it was really funny everyone was drinking heavily. ^^We came home to English Town around 10 and then we decided to go to Cockstill (bar), some of us got really drunk it was really good to see.

Hmm then I had a few days of doing absolutly nothing... weekend was kind of funny I went with Mi Hye to Busan, one of her friends from high school opened a bar so she went there to help out. The bar was so, so kind of nice I guess, but it was all in black, that's kind of depressing..Anyway we spent the night in Busan* had an amazing dinner of pasta the day after, and then we fell asleep missing our stop on our way home to Inje...

I've now begun to work at TLC (Teaching Learning Center) as a substitue English teacher. It's so hard, some of the kids are really good (by korean standards) some of them can't understand the sentence "Do you understand?" I don't know I might resgn or get fired in a few weeks, It wasn't really what I thought it would be if I put it like that...

Anyway I have to go to lunch now and prepare for my students, smell you all later...Peace!

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